Never miss a lead again.
Automatically test your website’s forms 365 days a year (366 on leap years)!

Why Automated Form Testing?
The code running your website is always changing. Even good changes, such as plugin updates or WordPress upgrades, can suddenly interfere with previously working forms, causing them to fail or be unusable to your users.
With automated form testing, you eliminate the risk of losing revenue because your forms are not working.
100% Automated Testing
Automatically test your website forms daily to ensure there are no issues on form submission. FormTester fills out each form field and submits the form—all in a browser environment—just as visitor to your website would do.
The service then uses the Gravity Forms API to verify that submissions have been received and saved as Gravity Forms entries. You then receive a daily (or weekly if you prefer) status report. If there are issues with your form processing or saving, you are alerted immediately so you can find the problem, fix it, and resume business as usual.
Peace of mind that your forms aren’t silently breaking.
Don’t worry about losing leads from a form that silently stops working. With our service, each form is tested daily.
Website forms are often the primary way businesses receive new leads. With 80% of consumers expecting to receive communication from you within 24 hours of reaching out, ensuring your form submissions are processing correctly can be vital to the health of your business.

Made for WordPress & Gravity Forms
Install our FormTester 365 plugin and your website’s forms will be detected. Simply select the forms you want tested, then sit back and relax as our daily tests take care of your forms for you.
We work to make your life easier.
Stop worrying if your forms are working, start automated testing today!
Best for large websites or agencies.